The right information at the right time at the right place.
Fiduro business intelligence.
We provide advanced business intelligence systems. Secure a simple and fast access to information and safe data storage and transformation. Get better answers and take better decisions. Faster.
From data to a decision

Data, information, know-how, decisions
Business intelligence provides information you need in the form you desire. Allows users a faster enterprise-wide search for information, automated report generation and analyses on request.
Business intelligence changes the way business is conducted. As a technological innovation it can help make your organisation more competitive and profitable in collaboration with the personnel, processes and corporate culture.
Data storage
Data storage is an electronic storage or structured data that not only stores it, but also handles inquiries and provides data analyses. It is centrally managed and combines various sources of information for organisations (CRM systems, ERP systems, financial systems, SCM systems and more). Users can further enter necessary data, merge data, analyse it, group it and export it for the purposes of presentations and decision-making.
Fiduro offers related consultation, installation and configuration of data storage.
Data transformation
Over the years, data in a company originating from various systems mounts. Data has to be evaluated, merged and prepared in such a way that it can be used by decision support systems.
Decision support systems
Decision support systems evaluate data according to algorithms and present it to company management in the form of spreadsheets, charts and complex analyses.
Points of Interest
If you truly want to make business intelligence a success, you should introduce it to all employees and then go one step further and include your customers and suppliers in the process.